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Our work is funded by voluntary donations, fundraising and with the support of charitable trusts and foundations. 

Every year we work extremely hard to generate the income to enable us to continue our work and to help build a more inclusive world for those who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus.  

By leaving a gift in your will you can play an important role in enabling us to grow and develop our services in the knowledge that our own future is secure. We understand that family comes first, which makes your gift through your will incredibly special to us. Once you have provided for your own loved ones, we hope that you will consider leaving a gift to Signal.  

If you haven’t yet made a Will or would like to amend an existing Will using a simple codicil form, please do speak to a solicitor. 

Please contact us to find out more.  

Image by Álvaro Serrano
Leave a Legacy: Mission
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