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  • hester66

A big thank you to our fantastic volunteers!

This month I wanted to celebrate one of our valued volunteers and share the contribution she has made..

Frances Knight started volunteering with Signal in 2017. She hadn’t set out to become a volunteer but instead came to us for some advice about hearing aids. She got this but also took an application for volunteering and signed up to a course we were running!

Frances has done a variety of volunteering activities with us. Between 2017 and 2020 she was a befriending buddy to a woman with hearing and sight loss, offering valuable company and friendship. She has trained to be one of our hearing screeners and has attended events in Shropshire to do this.

Frances also has been happy to help out when we have one off tasks – if you do our deaf awareness training you’ll see her acting in one of our videos! She also spent a day with us recently packing Christmas cards.

Thanks for your ongoing support Frances!

If Frances has inspired you to get involved in volunteering with Signal please get in touch and email: or call us 01743 358 356.

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